The appeal is being heard on three points, as follows:
1) Creativity
2) Contacts
3) Decisions
1) Creativity.
The job evaluation officer's statement, which we are challenging, refers to the
amount of creativity required to do the job, but offsets this against the constraints
within which I act - namely that ultimate responsibility for all things lies with
the manager (Andrew). It recognises that I am required to interview clients, but
states that all activities are in agreement with the manager. We reply to this
that I am required to be innovative and imaginative in responding to issues and
problem solving, and that my contact and agreement with the manager comes nearly
always after the event. There is no textbook of concrete procedures that I am
required to follow, my responses to every situation are dictated by my experience,
theoretical knowledge and intuitive understanding of the situation (informed
intuition"). At every point of contact with clients of the centre, whether
in a keywork session with one of my designated clients, in a group situation with
a number of clients, or in a less formal situation in the drop-in cafe area with
people who may or may not be known to me, I am required to be creative and sensitive
in my responses to what the clients may bring to me.
I have no way of knowing in advance what difficulties I may be required to deal
with, and I have to rely on my intuitive response to the here-and-now situation.
It is only after the event, in fortnightly supervision with the deputy manager
or in handover sessions when a manager may or may not be present, that I am able
to present my work and decisions to another person. I am frequently required to
respond to distressed, anxious, depressed, angry or acutely mentally ill persons
who may at times present themselves as delusional or suicidal. At such times it
is my sole responsibility to respond in what I judge to be the most appropriate
way, drawing on my past experience of similar situations and perhaps on some previous
knowledge of the client. It is expected that I will respond in an appropriate
and reasoned way without any recourse to discuss the matter in advance.
At no time do I hand over responsibility for any situation to my manager.
In addition, I am required to interview and assess potential clients for our day
care programme. In such situations it is solely my decision on the basis of my
experience in the interview whether a client may be accepted onto the day care
programme, and may be allocated a particular programme of groups and activities.
Again, there is no input from the manager until after the event, and even then
he has no direct contact with the client, but responds to my presentation of the
I am required to plan group activities (sometimes in conjunction with a co-worker)
and the decision to go ahead with a particular activity is made by the staff team
as a whole in consultation with the manager. Once the decision to go ahead with
an activity is made, it is then my responsibility to plan and facilitate these
activities. Responsibility for the internal structures and the final activity
plan of these activities lies with me alone, and there is no further managerial
input until a presentation of the group or activity to the staff team, which may
be after the group has been running for several weeks, or even after it has finished.
Groups generally run for an indefinite period, or in batches of ten weeks.
2) Contacts.
I make contact on a daily basis with a wide variety of other people, ranging from
consultant psychiatrists and senior social workers to mentally ill clients and
distressed members of the public. In many of the latter cases, I have to deal
with violent and threatening behaviour, I regularly suffer verbal abuse, and I
have been physically assaulted on a number of occasions. These have resulted in
incident report forms being sent to senior management. The nature of the drop-in
cafe is such that we are openly available to anyone, and although we have a "No
Alcohol" rule we regularly have to deal with members of the public who have
become violent and abusive through drink. I have been verbally assaulted and threatened
on a number of occasions, and these are of such regularity that only the most
extreme are formally reported. It should be noted that my responses to such occurrences
are necessarily influenced by the knowledge that there may be any number of distressed
or fragile people witnessing the incident, and my first duty is to protect them
from any undue anxiety.
My keywork responsibilities are to an average of five clients, whom I see at varying
intervals depending on their situation and requirements. I am presently seeing
two on a regular basis, and am required to hear and experience a great deal of
their distress without trying to avoid or deny their feelings. One of them is
currently trying to deal with extreme physical and sexual abuse experienced as
a child, and many of the details which she is trusting me with are being revealed
for the first time. The other is an extremely socially isolated man who has no
family or friends, and who was referred to the day centre some time ago but was
unable to maintain contact with us. He was being seen until last year by a community
psychiatric nurse. When she went on a year's maternity leave there was considerable
anxiety expressed about whether this man would maintain the will to live without
regular contact, and it was my task to attempt to re-engage with him in a therapeutic
relationship and try to ease the loss of this CPN. This involved firstly trying
to encourage him to come to Bedford Hill, then attempting to forge a trusting
relationship, and then attempting to maintain this in spite of an at times overwhelming
apathy on his part. I am happy to say that after nearly eight months of regular
weekly meetings with him, at which he set the agendas, he seems to be functioning
considerably better.
As a part of my job, I am regularly entrusted with the most intimate details of
people's personal lives which demand handling with the utmost discretion and sensitivity.
At times I find myself very affected by what people are saying, or have experienced,
and it expected that I will keep my own feelings out of the situation. I have
to deal with these elsewhere.
3) Decisions (and Consequences sub-factor):
We are claiming that I make decisions which have considerable effects on the life
of the individual client without previously consulting the manager. Decisions
which directly affect the running of the centre as a whole are ideally made by
the staff team in consultation with the manager, but the reality is that there
are often periods of time when there is no manager present for several days. In
these cases I have to make decisions which have a significant effect on the client
or the centre and the responsibility for these decisions is mine. Decisions which
affect the client and which have considerable implications for them attending
the centre are made by the client and myself without necessarily consulting the
manager. These decisions would include which activities a client attends, changes
to an existing program, and frequency and nature of keywork sessions. It is my
responsibility to organise regular review meetings on the client to which the
manager is invited to attend. I have a client who has been regularly attending
groups and keywork sessions at the centre for six months now and who has never
met the manager other than informally in the drop-in. Her first formal contact
with him will be in her review which I am planning for August. It is my responsibility
to formulate a client's weekly program and to monitor it's progress.
My work is with people who have experienced mental health problems and may have
spent some considerable time in psychiatric hospital, but who are presently attempting
to live in the community. They often live in constant fear of breakdown and re-admission
and may find even the most mundane day-to-day tasks fraught with anxiety and fear.
They may from time to time experience partial or total relapse, with the world
suddenly becoming a frightening and unfamiliar place with invisible beings speaking
in terrifying voices inside their heads, perhaps telling them that they are evil
and must kill themselves. Among the decisions I am required to make are assessments
of how serious, or how immediate, the potential of a suicide is. whether to attempt
to get someone formally assessed for admission to hospital, what sort of effect
a stated suicide threat may be calculated to have on me, whether it is an attempt
to be manipulative, all need to be decided by me alone in the course of a discussion
with client. I have no opportunity to go away and discuss the situation with the
manager or other colleagues until after these decisions have been made. Fortunately
I have not yet had a client commit suicide, but I have had one key client who
became convinced that he was responsible for much of the civil unrest in the world,
and that it would cease if he put his foot under the wheels of a car. Thankfully
he received only minor injuries as a result of this, although as a result of a
similar incident some years ago he has only three toes on one foot.
Since it is a reality that there are often times when management or other colleagues
are not available, I am also required from time to time to make decisions about
a client or a service in the absence of the appropriate person. Sometimes a client
may come in in acute distress and I will be required to deal with the situation
even though I may have had little or no previous contact with that client.