Monthly Archives: March 2012

Spunk Rock in the sunshine

Victoria Line buggered so travelling in overground on District Line and main line. Enjoying the remastered Spunk Rock (Greasy Truckers) in the sunshine.
Much as I adored the ManBand, they really couldn’t have done it without the mighty Terry Williams on traps. And one can’t help but admire and respect Martin Bass for just sitting on the root in 4/4 for 20+ minutes. I’d have been all over the bloody place.

My god it’s a great day for the old ipod shuffle. Not content with Spunk Rock I’ve had Spirogyra ‘Western World’, David Crosby ‘Cowboy Movie’, The Church ‘Shadow Cabinet’, Tyrannosaurus Rex ‘A Daye Laye’, and more to come before I get to work.

Hmm. Was listening to Renaissance ‘Things I Don’t Understand’, pressed something by accident, suddenly it was Mud and Tiger Feet. Great, of course, just… Different.

Outpouring and splurging

Not a great deal to say today apart from that last night was a very sad occasion for because I turned off ‘Being Human’ halfway through. Couldn’t bear to watch it any more. I was glued to and gripped by the first three series, but this one is just crap. Well made crap, sure, but it’s turned into Doctor Who. I tried my best to enjoy the latest episode but the MySpace joke was the last straw and a bit of a desperate and feeble ploy. I just thought ah feck I can’t be bothered with this any more. I no longer care enough about the characters to be able to accept the basic premise.

Christ, I miss Mitchell. And George. And Nina. And Being Human.

Just what the world needs, another blog.

This is my fifth or sixth blog on the web – my primary one was – this is where I posted MP3 rips of various albums that I had on vinyl and that weren’t – as far as I knew – available for purchase as CD (or anything else). It went well for a while, had quite a few hits & lots of compliments and thanks, but then I ran out of albums to rip and also of time to update it. My kids got bigger & demanded more of my time, I changed jobs & had less access to the Web, all sorts of reasons why it’s now an ex-blog. I haven’t taken it down and occasionally post a sentence or two to let people know that I’m still alive and will – occasionally – respond to requests to repost something. But it is no longer my main blog.

So I had a couple of others ( and that I created as repositories for some of my longer Twitter rants but they’ve also fallen into disuse – there’s a limit to how many times I can sound off about religion, homeopathy, smoking, organic hairdressing, bad spelling, and people who are paid to make announcements but can’t speak English.

Then there’s the Tottenham Community Choir blog ( – but that’s not mine – and my own Choir blog where I lift the lid and blow the whistle, but nowhere for me to just splurge and outpour for the hell of it. Until now.

I’m implementing a WordPress blog for my work Web site (I’m the webmaster there) and so I need a place to experiment. Welcome to that place.