Outpouring and splurging

Not a great deal to say today apart from that last night was a very sad occasion for because I turned off ‘Being Human’ halfway through. Couldn’t bear to watch it any more. I was glued to and gripped by the first three series, but this one is just crap. Well made crap, sure, but it’s turned into Doctor Who. I tried my best to enjoy the latest episode but the MySpace joke was the last straw and a bit of a desperate and feeble ploy. I just thought ah feck I can’t be bothered with this any more. I no longer care enough about the characters to be able to accept the basic premise.

Christ, I miss Mitchell. And George. And Nina. And Being Human.

One thought on “Outpouring and splurging

  1. my name is mud

    My missus says she used to turn the old one off after 15 mins because it was too contrived and the chap with the sticky out ears was a bit irritating and the main man loved himself too much…but now she likes the current series and watches it all the way through..apparently the humour’s better, and furthermore she’s been reading books like it for years and it’s an old idea!……it’s all way over my head I’m afraid.


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