22/03/09 - Moving house next week, going to Bounds Green. New Web site live - look here for further updates.
10/12/07: Just had an interview in Birmingham for a short-term contract. Bored with this - really need to spend a few days overhauling the site but can't be arsed right now.
17/11/06: I took voluntary redundancy a couple of weeks ago following an interview with Cerner where I was singularly unimpressed with what they were offering me. So right now I'm looking for work, though I have interviews with Microsoft and the RAC next week.
22/8/06: Some bleedin Webmaster I am - again no updates for over a year. We just got back from Villa Pia, which was seriously fab although I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have kids. I am now the proud owner of a Panasonic DMC-FZ7 digital camera so there'll probably be more pictures up soon. I also have a blog where I post mp3 of albums that are otherwise unavailable, ripped from my own vinyl or cassettes.
I've been on a diet since January and lost a stone and a half - sadly I put 8lbs of that back on due to the excellent food on holiday. Swimming most mornings before work as well, did a mile (64 lengths) without stopping a few weeks ago!
10/8/05: Gawd, it's been a while (again)... I've been working at IDX for over a year! What else... well, Ellie is now 2 and a half and chattting non-stop, Joe is 6 and a bit, speaking French, playing piano & swimming a length front crawl.
13/5/04: Finally spent a few hours updating the site, mainly the work section though. Hardly any mention of Welly yet, and she's been with us for a year and a half!
24/9/03: Still working for Mobile Innovation - contracting so don't know how long it'll last. Enjoying myself though!
1/7/03: I've given up smoking!!! I treated myself to a 30GB iPod as a reward :-)
18/4/03: So much for that resolution!!! Ah well - lots of news since September. On holiday in Devon right now, beautiful weather and great hotel. Redundancy lasted a bare coupla months and now I'm back working with some old Symbian & Psion colleagues at Mobile Innovation. Meanwhile new(ish) baby Eleanor is getting bigger and better by the day...
28/12/02: Baby Eleanor Rosemary born :-)
4/9/02: Oh gor blummy it's been a while - I'll try to do a proper update soon, I promise!
5/1/02: Finally got round to putting up our photos from Xmas in Cardiff.
30/1/02: We took Joe and Mame to Centerparcs for a couple of days last weekend - great fun. Didn't take many pix though, only these...
5/12/01: Number ones through my life added to my life pages, several new splurges & extracts from journal on the individual pages.
8/11/01: HelpStudio pages removed completely. Added Rom 101, Desert Island Everythings, and rollovers to the school pictures.
5/11/01: Finally paid for full membership of Friends Reunited after lurking there for about 8 months. Watch out for loads of old-school memories & people crawling out of the woodwork as I get all nostalgic (yuk)...
1/11/01: "My Life" pages expanded and split into part one (pre-Series 3) and part two (post-Series 3). I bought my first Psion in 1992 and after that entries get rather more detailed (and trivial...).
17/10/01: Photos pages reorganised & updated. My Life has some new features (brain dumpz). Work now has examples of my work for download. Broken links fixed and a bit of news added as a postscript to the Wrinklies page. "Where are they now" added to the Me page.
21/9/01: "Fun" page finally starting to come together.
13/9/01: Updated my CV with my new job (available in HTML and Word formats).
4/9/01: An update to the family pictures page since Louise has decided she doesn't mind her piccy on the Web. Also some new albums on the top 16 - I think I've done them all now.
23/8/01: I've started taking my laptop to work, and playing with my Website on the journeys. Nearly 3 hours a day I can fart around so there's bound to be rather more regular updates than there have been. Today's is a new Wrinklies on Napster page, a couple of new albums, and the removal of most of the Help Studio stuff (since it's not happening after all).
22/8/01: New feature - JHB's patent tooltip lyric quiz. Many of the controls and pictures on this site have <alt> tags that appear like tooltips when you hover the mouse over them. Some, none, or all of these may be quotes from songs. How many can *you* spot? There'll be prizes galore for those who get more than... I haven't decided now many yet.
21/8/01: I got an irate email from my cousin-once-removed in Wales, Tomos. He complained that he didn't get a mention in my life story - and he's right. So now he does. Enjoy.
17/7/01: Work page updated with my new job.
24/7/01: I got meself a new job! See here.
1/6/01: Left Symbian.